In the increasingly globalized society, it is important that the younger generation especially the students are equipped with knowledge, skills, mindsets and behaviors which may enable them to perform their duties in a manner so that they become important contributors to the development of the society. This will also help them to fully utilize their educational training for earning a decent living so that the overall standard of their families and surroundings improve leading to development of welfare human societies.
To achieve this goal, it is imperative that their educational training is improved such that it incorporates the use of newer technologies, use of newer assessment tools for mid-course corrections to make sure that they become competitive individuals to shoulder newer social responsibilities and are capable of undertaking novel innovations in their areas of expertise. In the face of the developing knowledge society, they are well aware about the resources of self-development using on-line resources of learning which is going to be a major component of learning in the future.
The learning should also be a continuous process so that the students are able to re-skill themselves so as to make themselves relevant to the changing needs of the society. In the face of this need, the educational curricula, teaching learning processes, training, assessment methods all need to be improved or even re-invented. The higher educational institutions (HEI) all over the globe are in the grip of this urgent task and India needs to keep pace with all these developments.
The undergraduate programmed in Microbiology is the first level ofcollege or university degree in the country as in several other parts of theworld. After obtaining this degree, a microbiologist may enter into the jobmarket or opt for undertaking further higher studies in the subject. Aftergraduation the students may join industry, academia, public health and playtheir role as microbiologists in a useful manner contributing their role in thedevelopment of the welfare society. Thus the undergraduate level degree inmicrobiology must prepare the students for all these objectives.