Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry was established in 2009 with the aims to support fundamental science of the highest quality in a first class physical environment. Our enthusiastic research culture embraces new challenging areas including strong collaborations with other academic disciplines while maintaining a powerful presence in the traditional fundamental areas of chemistry. We thrive to maintain a rigorous and comprehensive teaching curriculum to inculcate problem solving and analytical abilities in our students. Our focus is that the course curriculum should have broad applicability and foster the ability to adapt the changing world of chemical sciences. We introduced industrial visit in our program that has helped our students to learn chemical science skills in compelling ways. A series of lectures, workshops and extracurricular activities are promoted at all the levels by the department. The department is focused in both teaching and high-quality research (basic and multidisciplinary) in the frontier areas of Chemistry and its interface with allied disciplines. Since its inception the department has given high priority for research activity. The faculties are actively engaged in research in the frontier areas of Inorganic, organic, physical etc chemistry. Every year research papers are presented in various conferences and published in national & International Journals by staff members.

The Chemistry Department aims to prepare the highest quality undergraduate students. Chemical society is constituted for the overall development of U.G. students which undertake extracurricular and Academic Activities. The department is well equipped with library resources (e-books) and has established collaborations with various national laboratories. The department also provides training for research (in the form of certificate course) to create interest in the students and boost their knowledge.

Sr. NoName of FacultyQualificationDesignation
1Dr. Noor MohammadM.Sc, B.Ed, Ph.D, M.PhilAssistant Professor& HOD
2Dr., Bed, Ph.DAssistant Professor
3Mr.,Bed,SETAssistant Professor